Okay Mom, it's finally happened. I've have given the "mom" speech.
Let me take you a step backwards: my roommate is in the midst of a dramatic cluster-f. Her brother and sister-in-law are on the splits and oh yeah, she works with her sister-in-law. Drama in sues. There is all that emotional baggage and character demonetization that comes when hearts are left feeling tattered and abused.
And my roommate is now strategically placed in the middle of this horrific apocalypse. There is a plethora of "he said/ she said" hanging about everyone's head and my roommate was giving me the, "I won't be the bigger person"- garbage.
And that's when it happened. I felt it coming, but there was nothing I could do. My mother's words just seemed to spew from me like a fountain of maternal grace. I found myself saying things like, "you can't control what the people around you say or do," and, "you can only control how you react."
They're good words. The way they play off my tongue sounds almost as if they were my words to begin with, and not complete plagiarism. I could have gotten away with it, I am almost positive.
I got the expected results: tears and that look that says an epiphany has maybe just happened before your eyes. It was like magic. Who knew? The conversation veered into the, "yeah well maybe I should..." and "I could be better."
I was internally shocked by my results. Even now, writing this, I'm a bit amazed that there was such a shift in attitude and acceptance.
After our little tete-a-tete Amy (my roommate) advised me to, "write about that in your blog." She's brilliant sometimes. Of course I then had to give all the credit to my mother. So yeah, thanks Mom, for all that malarkey growing up about taking on the world the only way you can, accepting what others around me do and working to respond in a way I can live with at night.
Take that Annie Dilliard... perhaps I don't need you after all. I have an insightful mother.
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